
Brave and Passionate

I am on leave today. I want to take a good rest because I am very stressful lately. I read the blog that I had written in Microsoft Word since 2 years ago (from 2012 to 2014 before I created Opposite Journey). It took me few hours to finish reading as it has more than 100 pages! I realised that I really like to write. I feel inspired after reading my words, and I feel much better after writing my thoughts.

I think of the reason I came to New Zealand alone two years ago. Some of the memories are precious, and some are painful. If I can survive by myself in a different country coping with different language and culture, why am I worrying so much? If I have already done my best, why should I care about what others think about me?

Being too rationale is tiring. For me, life is impulsive, and it is good to follow the heart and do anything that I like (as long as do not harm others)!

This is something that I wrote in January 2012:
You may have hundred reasons preventing you to achieve something, but they will be vanished when you make an impulsive decision in only one second. A lot of obstacles are created by one’s self. Please value the impulsive decision, because it might change the story of your life. We should follow the voice of our inner heart at least once in life.

Coming to New Zealand alone is a crazy decision of mine; it is an impulsive decision but changed my entire life. Many people said that I am lucky, and yes, I am very lucky, but I am also brave to grasp the opportunities.

I don’t want to be a coward, but I don’t want to live a hard life either. I am brave enough to start a new life in a different country, and so I am brave to accept any incoming challenges! I am passionate for my life, and so I love my life.

Life is too short, why so serious? The worst case is to start over again, in which I did before. It is not a big deal at all. The world is filled with beauty and excitement which I have not yet explored, and it is ridiculous to worry too much. Just go with my own way of life – I look forward for it! 🙂


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