My Small Stories in New Zealand


I bought a Flat White, and it is FREE! (collected 9 stamps). Flat White is a type of coffee originated in New Zealand (some said in Australia), so it is a Must-Drink if you are in New Zealand.


They said: “free coffee tastes nicer!” Well, I couldn’t agree more. 😛

I have a ‘love and hate’ relationship with coffee.

I don’t usually drink coffee in the past. It is not because I don’t like it, but my body is sensitive to coffee.

Once I drink coffee, my heart will be beating very fast: it is just like when you meet someone who you are secretly in love with. 🙂 Sometimes I felt hard to concentrate and need some fresh air. Also, my stomach was not well. It is quite strange because my family loves coffee and they do not have this problem.

So, I always drink Chocolate Milk instead of coffee in the office. The problem is that I was always laughed by my colleague, saying that I am still a “little girl” =.=”

Then I drink coffee everyday as I want to get over this constraint. It was a bit hard in the beginning, as I couldn’t concentrate on my work. There is a coffee shop in the building opposite to my office, and I bought coffee almost every day (a good way to sneak out of work), until the staffs have recognised my face. Actually my office sells coffee as well, at first I couldn’t understand why people are going out of office to buy coffee, but I have now understood once I tried it out.

Now I can drink coffee with friends without any unusual sign, this is very important because drinking coffee is the most common way to socialize in New Zealand. Now I can finally enjoy the coffee, though my heart was secretly jumping a little bit fast. 😛


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