My Small Stories in New Zealand

Living in the fridge

car ice_small

It is mid-winter in Wellington now. The weather is cold and windy. Sometimes I have a feeling that I am living in a fridge! >.< But sometimes I feel very warm. The weather in Wellington is unpredictable!

I noticed that my body can stand cold and stay warm – but my fingers can’t. For example, I was clearing the ice on my car’s windscreen with a towel, and I was wearing a glove, yet my fingers were getting numb and hurt! It was really pain, so I immediately ran back to my house and wash my hand with warm water. Why are my fingers always cold?

It is always summer in Malaysia. Actually I prefer cold weather than hot weather. Perhaps this is because I stayed in a hot weather country for 20+ years. My theory is that I can wear more clothes during cold weather – but I can’t wear too less clothes during hot weather. Also, I like winter clothes.

A different experience!


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