
Platonic Love

Platonic Love (Chinese: 帕拉图式的爱情) is the term that I learnt from a very important friend in my life. This is a very beautiful and romantic word.

In short, with genuine platonic love, the beautiful or lovely other person inspires the mind and the soul and directs one’s attention to spiritual things. From: Wikipedia

In my own words, it means the love between spirits. It means the unconditional love without aiming for any returns. It is the kind of love that I wanted, not what I needed. I can see and communicate with his soul, and I love his soul. He loves my soul too.

It sounds very abstract but I really do believe in soulmate. Soulmate is the person who is the most special person in your life, and it has no substitution. He/she trusts you no matter what happens. He/she gives you 100% of confidence and will not leave you. Since I was young I always believe that there is a person like this coming into my life.

But when time goes by, I realised that finding a soulmate is harder than I thought. It is always sweet in the beginning, but it is not easy to be consistent. At that point of time, I thought I have found my soulmate. It is really hard to stand when I feel the love is fading away. One day I suspect if ‘soulmate’ really exists?

I still remember on that day, my friend was holding my hand and telling me that she is looking for platonic love. Actually, many females are looking for platonic love isn’t it?

The most beautiful thing in the world is, when I think about you, and realised that you are standing just right in front of me. For no reasons.

In the concept of platonic love, the two people are equal. There is no such thing as ‘giver’ or ‘taker’. If they are in love with each other, they won’t bother that much right? I always said that I am different from others, but in the very deep of my heart I understand that everyone is unique. You can’t be unfair to another person just because you think that you are different.

Someone asked me yesterday night: “What is love?” To be honest I don’t know. I am still learning. I still believe in soulmate, but I also understand that it takes time to prove it.

It is not only about the sweet, but also experience the bitter together. It is not only about today and tomorrow, but finding the joy in repetitive things every day. It is not only about promising, but to keep the promise. I do not easily promise something, but once I promised, you can trust me.


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      Thanks for your comment 🙂

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