

Wow, I haven’t updated my blog for almost a month!


I have worked extremely hard recently. Could you imagine that I worked from 7am to 2am, then slept for only 2-3 hours and attend an early meeting in the next day morning!?


I could hardly believe this – as I am a very lazy girl with a weak body. I need to sleep at least 8-10 hours per day, but nowadays I am sleeping less than 5 hours a day! Also, sometimes I skipped my meals because I have no time to eat, and always worried that my gastric problem will attack me again. Sometimes I would think, if two years ago I failed to get my work visa before my working holiday visa expired (as I nearly couldn’t get it on time because of my medical condition), what happens to me now? Maybe I am now in Malaysia doing a relaxing job… and wouldn’t experience all the things that I am facing now. Well, life is all about unexpected isn’t it?


I know myself well – I am definitely not a workaholic. But, I feel that I have the responsibility to perform my job well since I already take it, although it is too tough for me. This is a lesson learnt – next time I need to consider my ability carefully before taking the challenge. Nevertheless, I do not regret of my choice. If we haven’t tried, how do we know what do we really like? I am glad that I have tried and so that I have the opportunity to learn. If we are too afraid of trying and experiencing, we probably end up staying in a small zone and blaming others. Never try, never know!


Perhaps, keeping myself busy is not entirely a bad thing. It keeps me away from thinking something unnecessary. I am now in the process of making some decisions that might change my life. I hate being a timid every time. I seldom make a big decision – but once I made, I am very decisive and determined.


Anyway I am maintaining a good mood despite the challenging condition, as I always did. I walked around Wellington city in this weekend, shopping and bought some clothes. I have bought a blue flowery dress and white sexy knitwear. 🙂


I am planning for my next trip which makes me happy. Travelling make people excited! Also, it is important because I want to update my blog with beautiful photos! Where is my next destination? 🙂


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  • Reply Joe April 30, 2015 at 7:16 am


  • Reply CY April 30, 2015 at 8:24 am

    谢谢你,有人了解真的很开心呢……现在我大部分都有正常吃饭了,没有像之前忙得没天没日。。人生还有很多新的挑战,我不会让自己还没享受完就累垮 🙂

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