

Someone told me that good performance doesn’t mean everything; connection is too important for career and success.

Since I was young, I knew that I am very terrible in socializing.

And the worst thing is, I am not only terrible in socializing, but I also do not like socializing.

I have always hidden in my comfort zone. I always mix around with the same people. I feel uncomfortable to go out with unfamiliar people. But I know very well that I couldn’t use this as the excuse for not talking to people every time. I am not arrogant, I am just scared.

Sometimes, I feel like I am a rock. Is anyone willing to crack the rock? 🙂

I need connection, because the world is made up of people.

I need to speak to people, because I can’t be isolated all the times.

I need to find a way to be comfortable with people, so I can keep my relationship.

I understand how easy it is to be left behind the world if I do not connect with people.

I want to be more outgoing and sociable. I promise that I will try my best, just as if there is nothing to lose.


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