

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.

Time flies.

I am in the project for almost a year. The most familiar faces are my colleagues, as I put a lot of time on my work. I couldn’t believe that I have already completed two quarter month end closing in this year, as I thought I will not be completing any.

One year can change the personality. One second can change the feeling entirely.

As time goes by, I realised that some people are not as seen from the eyes. Some people look cold but warm inside. There is a famous idiom: “Do not judge a book from its cover.” I am terrible in evaluating people, anyway I don’t like judging people (or to be judged). Time is scary, but it can prove everything. 🙂

Time is moving at the speed of light. When I am still busy to catch up every moment of life, I didn’t realise it is already in the next scene. (maybe I am too slow?)

For many times, I have heard about the youth of a woman is very limited. After 25 years old a woman start to be turning old each year, and I couldn’t believe that I am almost 27 now =.=” But for a men, they are at the peak of their life after 30 years old. Why is it so unfair!? I am actually worried of getting old. Perhaps I have many things yet to be done in my life, haha XP

I think the youth is not only defined by the age and maturity, but the memories you have in your life. If a 25 years old woman is still dependant on family and has never tried something different, then she is not that young. If a 50 years old woman has found her love, having her own family and travelled around the world, then she is not that old.

It is about doing the suitable thing at the right age, and doing things that you really like to do. 🙂 And, go with the flow. One of my most favourite saying: I will cross the bridge when it comes!

Don’t be afraid of the time!


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