My journey in New Zealand as published on
I am a Malaysian and have had an unforgettable Working Holiday experience in New Zealand, so I write a related post every year just before the application start date (this year is 25 Jan 2018) XD. There are so many online resources to help you get started and settle in NZ but if you still need a little bit of motivation, this post may be helpful. 🙂
Here are a few reasons that I enjoyed my Working Holiday in New Zealand:
1. Great for first-time solo travellers
New Zealand is safer than many places. It has a relaxing and laid-back culture. Many locals are friendly and helpful. Roads are not too complicated (sort of)… all these make life easier for a first-time solo traveller.
I came to New Zealand alone with no solo travel or any backpacking experience, yet I survive and have fun. If I can do it, many people can do it. 🙂
2. New Zealand is far away from everything
In my opinion, if we have decided to take a long break then why not go to somewhere far away from our home? i.e. a place that we do not usually travel to, so we will experience something very different.
New Zealand is a small and isolated island which makes it such a cool and exciting place to explore. I think New Zealand is too far for a short trip but is perfect for 6-9 months working holiday trip.
3. Beautiful scenes that take my breath away

Rotorua red forest – a serene and beautiful place
New Zealand is famous for its beautiful nature. I haven’t seen a place more beautiful than New Zealand. It is a paradise that never stops surprising me!
4. Enjoy the quiet and peace
Taking a working holiday in New Zealand is a good way to have a temporarily break (mentally). New Zealand may be too slow for some people but I find it calming and peaceful. I wrote a post about it and gave suggestions to those who find NZ boring – Is New Zealand too slow and boring.
5. For the memory and friends

Working at a vineyard in Blenheim
Although the duration of my Working Holiday in New Zealand is short, I will never forget it because this experience was amazing. I still keep in touch with some of my working holiday friends after so many years. I believe that living in a foreign country for a period of time is different from travelling because you can really experience the culture and build a stronger relationship with people.
6. A pleasant place to work and travel
I hate hot weather because I have had enough of summer in my home country Malaysia, but I also cannot stand very cold weather because I am not used to it. Although the weather in New Zealand can change dramatically within a day, it is generally mild weather as compared to many places. This is important because many seasonal jobs are outdoor based so you don’t want too extreme weather.
Other than that, I also like that it is a clean place with fresh air. Although working in the vineyard is tough and I barely made a living with the (below) minimum wage, I still think it is a great place to work and travel.
7. Discover a different side of oneself

Finishing medal for half marathon at Mt Cook
Taking a working holiday is not an easy trip because it involves a lot of hard work and skills to survive. However, it helps you learn to be independent and take ownership of the consequence of the decisions you have made.
I am still an indecisive and passive person, but having a working holiday experience certainly changed my perception of my life. It reminds me not to give up easily and constantly learn new things and hold out for the best. 🙂
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External Article
Published on New Zealand online newspaper Seven Surprising ways New Zealand Changed My Life
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